Tentative schedule


6 February 2025

8:30 – 9:00: Registration

09.00 – 09.10: Opening ceremony and welcome (Room 1)
Prof. Emanuele Garone, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Prof. David Cannella, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Prof. Frank Deconinck, Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies
Prof. Serge Jaumain, Université Libre de Bruxelles

09.10 – 09.50: Plenary lecture 1 (Room 1)
Insects need smart promotion … or eradication.
Prof. Frédéric Francis, Gembloux-Agro Bio Tech.

10.00 – 10.40: Parallel Session 1 – Advances in pests and diseases research (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Extracting insect information from entomological museum collections to identify potential insect pests and beneficials using deep learning methods.
    G. Noël, N. Delcommune, G. Black, D. Vandenspiegel, P. Semal, F. Francis
  2. Development of Bruchus rufimanus Boheman 1833 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) at different temperatures with special emphasis on rearing and modelling approach.
    A. Segers, L. Rossini, R. Caparros Megido, E. Garone, F. Francis

10.00 – 10.40: Parallel Session 2 – Advances in modelling in plant protection (Room 2)
Moderators: TBD

  1. A win-win combination in plant disease prediction: field data to update model estimations, estimations to drive field data collection.
    O. Benhamouche, L. Rossini, N. Bono Rosselló, M. Pezzutto, S. Turco, E. Garone
  2. Adaptation of a physiologically based model for predicting the phenology of Philaenus spumarius: first validation in Italian olive groves.
    Z. Sweidan, M. Corbetta, O. Bouaicha, S. Gualano, N. Baser, F. Santoro, T. Caffi, V. Rossi

10.40 – 11.00: Coffee break

11.10 – 12.50: Parallel Session 1 – Advances in pests and diseases research (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. A low-cost and AI-integrated imaging device for plant-parasitic nematodes quantification and classification.
    G. Bi, Z. Yuan, P. Yue, N. Musa, P. Yang
  2. Innovations and challenges in black soldier fly farming: Infrastructure, automation, and waste valorization.
    H. Luttenschlager, J. Carpentier, F. Francis, S. Finet, R. Caparros Megido
  3. A novel strain of Akanthomyces muscarius as a promising biological control agent against Toumeyella parvicornis.
    N. Di Sora, S. Turco, F. Brugneti, L. Rossini, M. Contarini, S. Speranza, A. Mazzaglia
  4. Improving management of emerging and re-emerging pests and diseases of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.
    F. Brugneti, L. Rossini, A. Cardacino, M. Cirilli, A. Mazzaglia, S. Turco
  5. Characterizing spatiotemporal dynamics of biotic stresses to optimize sampling strategies in agricultural systems.
    R. Gafni, D. Levanon, Y. Cohen, Y. Edan

11.10 – 12.50: Parallel Session 2 – Advances in modelling in plant protection (Room 2)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Improving species distribution: Comparing a newly introduced mechanistic model with established data-driven approaches for Alphitobius diaperinus.
    K. M. Agboka, F. T. Ndjomatchoua, R. A. Guimapi, A. G. A. Azrag, L. Tobias, E. M. Abdel-Rahman, S. Ekesi
  2. A mechanistic, five-step approach for prediction modelling: Alternaria-tomato pathosystem as case study.
    I. Salotti, M. Camardo Leggieri, P. Battilani
  3. AI-Driven pest control: Sustainable agroecosystems through remote monitoring and predictive modeling.
    R. Ascolese, G. Langella, F. Nugnes
  4. Urban-agricultural interface: Impact of urban habitats on Mediterranean fruit fly dynamics in citrus orchards.
    C. Katz, M. Ben-Yosef, E. Goldstein, R. Nakar, Y. Cohen
  5. Pest control SDSS – From academy to industry.
    A. Cohen, Y. Cohen, G. Gefen

12.50 – 14.00 Lunch break and poster session

14.00 – 15.00 Session 3: Advances in plant health sensing (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. GeoAI, metrology and remote sensing for smart agriculture: Mapping land transformation and climatic impacts to optimize crop resilience and water management in a Mediterranean region.
    A. Vitale, F. Lamonaca
  2. Integrating spatio-temporal vegetation indices with machine learning for dynamic maize field performance monitoring: Development of a real-time crop monitoring framework.
    Y. Cohen, A. Malka, Y. Goldwasser, E. Scudiero, E. Goldshtein, G. Ravid
  3. Spectral-based weed detection across diverse environmental conditions.
    R. Su, N. Boonham, A. Prashar

15.00 – 15.30: Coffee break

15.30 – 16.30 Session 4: Advances in plant health sensing (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Moving towards regenerative agriculture: Advancements in remote sensing tools to measure soils health regeneration.
    M. Silvestri
  2. How to capture within-field heterogeneity across multi-year crop rotation: High-resolution insights from sentinel-2.
    T. Kenda, X. Draye, P. Defourny
  3. Early detection of nutrient deficiencies: The hazelnut case-study
    F. Fuoti, M. Lippi, A. Rabbai, C. Carletti, A. Gasparri, V. Cristofori

16.30 – 17.10: Plenary lecture 2 (Room 1)
Plant defense priming.
Prof. Uwe Conrath, RWTH Aachen University.

7 February 2025

8:30 – 9:00: Registration

09.00 – 09.50: Plenary lecture 3 (Room 1)
Agroecological models explained.
Dr. Niels Holst, Aarhus University.

10.00 – 10.40 Parallel Session 1 – Robotics in precision farming (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. A control architecture for semi-autonomous robots in agriculture settings.
    J. Palmieri, P. Di Lillo, S. Chiaverini, A. Marino
  2. A robotic arm design for autonomous kiwi harvesting.
    S. Rossi, D. Mengoli, N. Omodei, L. Marconi

10.00 – 10.40 Parallel Session 2 – Technologies for sensing and phenotyping (Room 2)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Automated X-ray plant phenotyping from seedlings to the field.
    G. Lehretz, T., Malzer, S. Gerth
  2. Uncovering the role of Serendipita williamsii volatiles in establishing its own plant beneficial endophytic colonization: A parallel study of the headspace composition and mode of action.
    J. Van Vooren, M. Blomme, T. Tran Minh, N. De Zutter, W. Desmedt1, C. Walgraeve, S. Mangelinckx, K. Audenaert

10.40 – 11.10: Coffee break

11.10 – 12.50 Parallel Session 1 – Robotics in precision farming (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. SwishFormer for robust firmness and ripeness recognition of fruits using visual tactile imagery.
    M. M. Mohsan, B. B. Hasanen, T. Hassan, L. Seneviratne, I. Hussain
  2. A distributed framework for task allocation and safe coordination in networked multi-robot systems for precision agriculture.
    A. Miele, M. Lippi, A. Gasparri
  3. Motion planning for an autonomous agricultural robot in unstructured terrain.
    M. Lorenzen, M. Mammarella, C. Ravazzi, M. Ghorab, F. Dabbene
  4. Motion planning for agricultural tasks with robotic manipulators.
    G. Liu, B. Boom, N. Slob, A. Nowe, B. Vanderborght
  5. Self-supervised local NBV planning for 3D plant reconstruction by a robot.
    J. Ci, X. Wanga, E. J. van Hentena, G. Kootstra

11.10 – 12.50 Parallel Session 2 – Technologies for sensing and phenotyping (Room 2)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Using a digital twin of a tracked mobile robot for the design and validation of estimation and control algorithms.
    L. Bascetta, A. Febbraro, G. Ferretti
  2. RootForce 4.0: a review of the classical image processing pipeline for root system architecture of cereals.
    L. A. Torres-Cisneros, T. Lang, M. Rehak, T. Malzer, S. Gerth
  3. constellr HiVE – A satellite constellation for monitoring diurnal temperature cycles and enabling smart agriculture.
    M. Iranmanesh, D. Spengler, E. Ibrahim, A. Pregel-Hoderlein, J. Berhin, C. Lerot
  4. Mitigating (radio)cesium impact: Physiological and molecular insights from Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Y. Noda, B. Cheng, U. Swaelus, R. De Vreese, A. Bouchereau, K. Tanoi, N. Kobayashi, C. Hermans
  5. Cross-modal knowledge distillation for efficient material recognition: Aligning language descriptions with tactile image models.
    M. M. Mohsan, B. Xu, B. B. Hasanen, T. Hassan, I. Hussain

12.50 – 14.00: Lunch break and poster session

14.00 – 15.00 Session 3: Smart irrigation (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Application and assessment of model-based leak localization methods in an irrigation network.
    F. M. Neto, L. Orihuela, J. M. Manzano
  2. An IoT-driven approach with real-time data fusion for smart irrigation.
    P. Nandan, H. Krishnan, R. R. Dhote
  3. Design and deployment of a cloud platform for data-driven leak detection in agricultural irrigation systems.
    J. M. Manzano, F. M. Neto, A. Tapia, L. Orihuela

15.00 – 15.30: Coffee break and poster session

15.30 – 16.30 Session 4: Soil biodiversity (Room 1)
Moderators: TBD

  1. Leveraging rhizosphere microbial diversity and drought-tolerant bacterial isolates to enhance soybean resilience in South Africa.
    A. S. Ayangbenro, F. R. Kutu, O. O. Babalola
  2. Harnessing predictive data analytics of soil microbiota for enhanced bio-sustainability in agriculture.
    R. Pace, V. Schiano di Cola, A. Napolitano, F. Palomba, M. M. Monti, S. Cuomo, M. Ruocco
  3. Tailoring plant roots for enhanced nitrogen capture in soil.
    L. Haelterman, C. Hermans

16.30 – 17.10: Plenary lecture 4 (Room 1)
AgRobotics for smart agriculture.
Prof. Yael Edan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

17:10 – 17:30: Closing remarks

Poster presentations

  1. First detection of bufavirus, cutavirus and tusavirus (Parvoviridae) in bivalve mollusks in Italy.
    Y.T.R. Proroga, A. Mancusi, T. Vicenza, O. Di Maro, T. Cardellicchio, A. Balestrieri, E. Suffredini
  2. Preliminary findings from a genome-wide association study on genetic loci associated with brucellosis resistance in buffaloes.
    A. Rinaldi, M. Georgia Riccardi, B. Cecere, R. Paradiso, G. Rofrano, E. De Carlo, G. Borriello
  3. Embryonic development and incubation stages of B. rufimanus eggs.
    L. Rodrigue, A. Segers, L. Rossini, G. Noël, R. Caparros Megido, E. Garone, F. Francis
  4. Integrated model for identifying priority areas in the fight against antibiotic resistance: Spatial analysis and GIS applications.
    D. Signorelli, G. Rofrano, M. Esposito, L. J. D’Auria
  5. Autonomous vehicle with enhanced kinematics for indoor/outdoor agricultural applications.
    G. Manca, L. Bianchi, M. Vulcano, J. Farmani, S. Figorilli, S. Mattogno, R. Masocco, A. Tenaglia, C. Possieri, M. Sassano, F. Pallottino, D. Carnevale
  6. LPMO-oxidized cellulose oligosaccharides evoke immunity in Arabidopsis conferring resistance towards necrotrophic fungus B. cinerea.
    D. Cannella
  7. Testing a mathematical model for the population dynamic of Frankliniella occidentalis in table grape vineyards of Southern Italy.
    M. Corbetta, T. Caffi, A. Guario, V. Lasorella, L. Rossini, V. Rossi
  8. Advancing AI-powered robotic vision for autonomous analysis of dense crops in wild environments.
    M. Owais, L. Seneviratne, I. Hussain
  9. Biological control of Toumeyella parvicornis with two ladybug species.
    N. Di Sora, L. Rossini, M. Contarini, S. Speranza
  10. Seed quality, production, agronomic and morpho-physiological characteristics assessment of some minor cereals in Southern Italy.
    P. P. Adinolfi, E. De Falco, M. Amato, E. L. Frusciante, A. Porfidia, M. Lami, R. Scorziello, M. Giannatiempo, G. M. Cioffi, S. Del Gaudio, N. Trotta
  11. Characterization of local cereals of Vallo di Diano.
    P. P. Adinolfi, E. L. Frusciante, M. Mele, D. Zito, Vecchio, P. Giglio, N. Trotta
  12. Automated crop field inspection for efficient protection treatment planning and delivery.
    P. Falcone
  13. Mycotoxins contamination in Campania and Calabria regions: A review.
    R. D’Ambrosio, T. Toscano, S. Cavallo, P. Gallo, M. Esposito, L. Ambrosio, G. Lucifora, L. Barca, G. Rofrano, L. J. D’Auria, E. De Carlo, L. Baldi
  14. The use of precision agriculture technologies in on-farm experimentation (OFE).
    S. Bossuyt, E. Ampe
  15. Genomic and pathogenic characterization of Akanthomyces muscarius isolated from living mite infesting hazelnut big buds.
    S. Turco, M. I. Drais, L. Rossini, N. Di Sora, F. Brugneti, S. Speranza, M. Contarini, A. Mazzaglia
  16. Effect of temperature on in vitro germination and growth of Colletotrichum fioriniae, a new emerging pathogen of olive fruits.
    F. Brugneti, L. Rossini, M. I. Drais, S. Turco, A. Mazzaglia
  17. A bud’s life: Metabarcoding analysis to characterise hazelnut big buds microbiome biodiversity.
    S. Turco, F. Brugneti, I. Giubilei, C. Silvestri, M. Petrović, M. I. Drais, V. Cristofori, S. Speranza, A. Mazzaglia, M. Contarini, L. Rossini
  18. Fire smoke dispersion in rural areas: a tool for official controls.
    S. Cavallo, R. Montella, D. Di Luccio, A. Riccio, R. D’Ambrosio, R. Pellicanò, R. Brunetti, F. Gargano, S. Smeraldo, M. Esposito, L. Baldi
  19. Advanced irrigation and unrecognised wells mapping tools.
    S. Cavallo, O. R. Belfiore, R. D’Ambrosio, R. Pellicanò, R. Brunetti, F. Gargano, M. Esposito, L. Baldi, G. D’Urso
  20. Underground timekeepers: Exploring the interplay between circadian clock and root nutrient uptake for chronoculture.S. Porco, S. A. Kay, C. Hermans
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